M&A Worldwide

Omnicap is exclusive member of M&A Worldwide for Belgium and Luxembourg


M&A Worldwide is an international network of 46 independent M&A boutiques in 36 countries, focusing on cross-border mid-market M&A transactions. The network has a strong presence in Europe, North America and Asia. 

In 2023, the members of M&A Worldwide realized 520 transactions with a total deal value of 12,8 billion euro.

Blue logo M&A

M&A Worldwide offers our clients the following advantages:

  • Identification and contacting of potential counterparts worldwide
  • Direct access to a large number of decision makers at companies and investors worldwide
  • Industry expertise of more than 400 M&A professionals
  • Personal approach in respect of the local culture and practices
  • Knowledge of the local tax and legal regulations in view of completion of the transaction
M&A Worldwide