Done Deals: Vanas Engineering / Pacoma Systems

Vanas Engineering acquires Pacoma Systems
Vanas Engineering and TouchPoint Inc have acquired Pacoma Systems, a Dutch integrator of internal transport systems.
With the acquisition of Pacoma, Vanas can expand its range of logistics solutions and the Vanas business units can be further developed to offer a more complete solution. Pacoma Systems, which will now bear the name Vanas Engineering, specializes in the design and integration of material handling systems such as sorting units, automatic storage systems and motorized roller conveyors for boxes, crates and pallets. Pacoma's qualified engineers and technicians continue to offer this service through Vanas.
Omnicap acted as advisor to the buyer.

Andy van Mieghem, Managing Director, Vanas Engineering: 'The acquisition of Pacoma was a logical step to realize our product growth. We believe in the potential of the Netherlands as a logistics country. After our successful achievements, we wanted to expand our local presence and service. The experience of Pacoma's logistics engineers and their satisfied customers convinced us to continue with this investment. We have already seen positive reactions from the market in which customers embrace a responsible integrator of internal transport systems, WMS software and storage systems. In addition, our customers have the option to choose a complete solution or to work separately with each business unit.'