Done Deals: Van de Velde Pipe Inspections & Solutions / BNP Paribas Fortis Private Equity

Omnicap advised Van de Velde Pipe Inspections & Solutions on the entry of BNP Paribas Fortis Private Equity into the share capital of the company
BNP Paribas Fortis Private Equity has entered the capital of Van de Velde Pipe Inspections & Solutions. The Lier company offers a one-stop shop for all piping solutions.
The strength of Van de Velde is that they offer a total solution: maintenance, inspection, advice, cleaning, renovation and repair of all kinds of pipes, tubes, pipes, storage tanks and sewers. Thanks to their solution-oriented approach, good service and the use of modern techniques and materials, they have become a leading and progressive player in their niche.
The company is fully committed to new technologies and digitization. For example, they offer robot cleaning and use drones for inspections. Experienced management focuses on high value-added projects that require specific expertise and technologically advanced equipment. Thanks to this future-oriented vision, Van De Velde dares to think out-of-the-box and the company can widely use its know-how and solutions for numerous applications in various sectors.

“Van de Velde Inspections is an innovative company with a lot of growth potential and strong management with an excellent vision. This investment shows that we do not only bet on corporate companies ”, says Raf Moons, Head of BNP Paribas Fortis Private Equity. “ Private Equity is increasingly investing in SMEs. Companies such as Van de Velde Inspections are an essential part of our Belgian economic fabric and we like to put our shoulders to the wheel. ”