Done Deals: Silmaco / Think2Act
Omnicap advises on management buy-out supported by Think2Act private equity
Omnicap has assisted CEO Heidi Machiels on a management buy-out through the purchase of the majority stake, supported by Think2Act.
About Silmaco
Silmaco is a European producer of sodium silicates, sodium metasilicates and lithium silicates. They offer high-quality silicates in liquid, granular and powder form for a wide range of applications and industries. Their silicates are used in a wide range of applications, such as pulp and paper, detergents and cleaning agents, adhesives and binders, paints and coatings, etc. Silmaco is a family business with 40 employees and focuses on exports to 60 countries across the 5 continents.
About Think2Act
Think2Act is a Belgian investment company that focuses on profitable Belgian and Dutch SME companies that have a strong or leading position in their market with good growth potential. Since Think2Act is structured as an open-end fund, they do not have a predetermined ” exit ” horizon, and thus act as a medium to long-term investor.